Classes, Workshops & Events from the Friends of the Living Seed Library

Tuesdays 6:00-9:30pm
Sept. 25th Oct. 2nd, 9th, 23rd, 30th, and Nov.6th 2018
At the New Abbo-Regional Seed House
The New Abbo-Regional Seed Project
invites your participation to an engaging group study into the incredible Coevolutionary journey of the flowering plants.
Join Richard Pecoraro and special guests* for 6 eventful and educational gatherings.
Beginning with their geographical origins, we’ll move into the historical events that have significantly influenced today’s food, medicine and botanical plant movement. By retracing their history we’ll begin to understand the strategies driving current social and industrial trends. The course is designed to inform us how the development of regional Seed banks and ‘public domain’ Seed Cooperatives are fundamental to gaining ‘Seed Sovereignty’- an “empowering and proactive” position in transforming local food and contemporary plant systems. Our main intention is to inspire a deeper connection to plant species of all kinds, and to provide a clearer direction for our collective work with them in the world.
At the New Abbo-Regional Seed House
We’ll learn about :
-Where the plants of modern day commerce came from (Geographic Origins).
-When and how the alternative Seed movement began.
-The importance of Botanical gardens past and present .
-A handful of our greatest plant people in history.
-Victory Gardens and independence!
-Plant classification systems past to present:
Ethnobotany to Taxonomy to Phylogeny
-Plant cycles: insights into fertile gardening and diverse plant cultivation.
-Fundamentals of open pollinated Seed Growing.
-How to build a residential seed cooperative.
-Interweaving ritual and artistic expression within the plant “kin”dom
*Individual class themes and layouts will be posted to all participants upon registration.
INVESTMENT: $365 (work trade and sliding scale available)
All proceeds go to the development of the
New Abbo-Regional Seed Project
Classes limited to 25 people.
CONTACT [email protected]
*special guests: if you would like to participate as a special guest, please choose from the subjects above, and how you’d like to present. A simple description on your background in that chosen area is required. Presentations are limited from 30- 60 minutes.
Saturday, March 31st 6:30pm
movie showing
SEED ~ the untold story
The Nomad Playhouse
1410 Quince Ave, Boulder, Colorado 80304
April 22 – 27
Seed School Teacher Training
Presented by Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance (RMSA), Global Seed Savers, and Denver Urban Gardens (DUG)
Past Events
Our past events included...
- Seed Saving Class @ Lyons Public Library March 2018
- Seed Swap Boulder Public Library March 2018
- Seed-saving workshops and Q&A sessions at the Boulder Public Library, 2015-2016
- Peacemaker of the Year Award hosted by Rocky Mountain Peace & Justice Center, 2015-2016
- Seed mandala creation at Boulder County Farmer's Market, 2016
- Food preservation & seed saving workshop at Boulder Public Library, 2016
- Children's seed planting in the Boulder Public Library garden, 2015
- Pollinator Festival, Boulder Creek Path, 2015
- Seed distribution & education at Boulder County Farmer's Markets, 2015
- Workshops at Sister Winds Festival, Pachamama Farm & Taos Village Farm, 2015
- Seed-saving workshop at Bolder Life Festival, 2014
- Seed Giveaway at Morning Sun Ranch in Gold Hill, CO, 2014
- Distribution of 8000+ free seed packets, seed balls & more bulk seed
- Distribution of free seed packets to Little Free Libraries
- Contribution of seeds & information to 5 Seed Libraries
- & More!